Autor: Eveli
| Aeg: aprill 10, 2017
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T2 Trainspotting ei ole eraldiseisev film. Kui sa ei tea praeguseks, kes on Renton, Sick Boy, Spud või Begbie, siis ei ole sul ka mõtet siit edasi lugeda või T2-te vaadata.
Õnneks taipasin Trainspottingu esimese osa hiljuti üle vaadata. Selle arvelt jäid silma mitmed vaevumärgatavad vihjed eelmisele filmile, mis andsid tegelikult kõige parema nostalgilise emotsiooni. See moment, kui hakkas mängima aeglane versioon Born Slippyst....
Ja siis muidugi need jaburad seiklused, šoti aktsent, kutid oma tuntud headuses. Ning choose life.
Soliidne järg. Saba koerale, porgand lumememmele. Tuli ikka armastus peale küll.
Choose watching, choose pondering, choose listening to Underworld for the better part of the following weeks, choose reading IMDb trivia, choose falling in love with the first part again, choose thinking about your life, choose getting to know your drugs, choose growing into yourself. Choose life.
Choose watching, choose pondering, choose listening to Underworld for the better part of the following weeks, choose reading IMDb trivia, choose falling in love with the first part again, choose thinking about your life, choose getting to know your drugs, choose growing into yourself. Choose life.
Hinnang: 9/10
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